Service Detail
To satisfy increasing government expectations and ongoing public accountability issues, Cosmic Desert has developed a process that provides the necessary skills and services to undertake partial or entire layouts that complement any situation.
Preparation of Property Maps of Assessable Vegetation (PMAVs); Ongoing Clearing Purposes (Thinning and Encroachment); Subdivision or Reconfiguration of a Lot (RCL) applications.
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Ground-truthing of Category X and White and Green areas on Regional Ecosystem maps; validation of coloured areas on Regulated Regrowth maps for amendment purposes.
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Clarification of regrowth height and canopy parameters using Line Intercept Transects (LIT); providing clear documentation to substantiate Thickening and Encroachment issues.
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Preparation of holistic or specific Vegetation and Property Management Plans.
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Delbessie Lease Renewals; Reef and Local Council weed plans.
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On-ground plotting of infrastructure; delineation, flagging and collection of ground control points.
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Supply of Satellite imagery and Air Photo mosaics in industry-standard configurations and government-preferred formats.
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Spatially-accurate mapping; colour laminated office wall maps; glove box maps; digital representations for rural valuations and sales brochures.
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Property-specific GPS background maps.
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Elevation data for stock water layouts, profiles, phone signal options etc.
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"In the Paddock" GPS training and introduction to elementary GIS and farm mapping.

General topographical data and information, including cadastral boundaries and their on-ground relationship.
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Category X and White area calculations on PMAVs and Regional Ecosystem maps; discreet and confidential Land Cover assessments as part of "due diligence" prior to property purchases.
Compliance-related issues.
Cosmic Desert can provide track logs, digital overlays, manipulated vector data and a range of image and document conversion options. We are experienced in Writing To Criteria and digitally expressing data and information.
Whole Property Design, including:
- paddock subdivision
- cell grazing / rotational grazing
- area calculation
- distance calculations
- watering points and paddock layout
- fencing material calculations
- laneway system planning
- environmental planning involving the delineation of:
- soil types
- riparian areas
- shade lines
- degraded areas
- reclamation areas
- drainage works
Additionally, Cosmic Desert may be able to assist in the following processes:
- Land Systems mapping confirmation
- Lease Renewal accountability
- Rating Valuation disputes
- Funding applications